Previous ICF Events

A Brief History of the ICF

The Canadian Construction Research Forum was established in 1996 by Dr. Simaan AbouRizk at the University of Alberta as a method of disseminating and highlighting construction engineering and management research initiatives being undertaking by Canadian academics and the Alberta construction industry.

In an effort to broaden its reach, the Canadian Construction Research Forum was re-branded as the Innovation in Construction: FORUM in 2013. The Hole School of Construction Engineering is focused on ensuring that the FORUM continues to inform, stimulate research, encourage sharing of information, and promote innovation within the Alberta construction industry. Due to the tremendous research efforts and ingenuity of researchers dedicated to improving construction management practices and the partner companies engaged in this process, the vision of the FORUM remains as strong today as it was over 20 years ago.

Previous ICF Events

Innovation in Construction: FORUM 2018
Discover, Apply, Succeed
August 22-23, 2018
University of Alberta | Edmonton, Alberta

Innovation in Construction: FORUM 2016
Survival to Recovery: Transformation of Alberta’s Construction Industry
November 8-9, 2016
University of Alberta | Edmonton, Alberta

Innovation in Construction: FORUM 2015
Experts and Practitioners Together Introducing Solutions for Positive Industry Change
April 15-16, 2015
Edmonton Expo Center | Edmonton, Alberta

Innovation in Construction: FORUM 2014
Leading Tomorrow Today
June 4-5, 2014
Edmonton Expo Center | Edmonton, Alberta

Innovation in Construction: FORUM 2013
June 9-11, 2013
Edmonton Expo Center | Edmonton, Alberta